Vesta-Syde Interim Instrument Decontamination System

This 2-part system provides hands-off interim instrument decontamination of soiled surgical instruments beginning at the point-of-use.

How Vesta-Syde Interim Instrument Decontamination System Works

The first part consists of a pre-soak to loosen blood, protein, and mucous from surgical instruments.The second part provides broad-spectrum decontamination which is effective against a broad range of Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and acid-fast bacteria, pathogenic fungi, and lipophilic viruses, including HIV-1 (AIDS) virus.

Why Vesta – Interim Instrument Decontamination System?

  • Productivity – Pre-cleaning begins at point-of-use to make future reprocessing easier.
  • Safety – 2-part system reduces the risk of exposure to infectious agents on soiled surgical instruments prior to terminal cleaning and sterilization.
  • Convenience – Pre-measured foil packets for both parts.


