VERIFY® V24 Challenge Pack

VERIFY® V24 Challenge Packs provide the challenge you need to be confident in your V-PRO Low Temperature Sterilization Systems after installation or major repairs. With the VERIFY V24 Challenge pack, only three consecutive cycles (most challenging) need to be run in your V-PRO Sterilizer to qualify the sterilizer for use.

How VERIFY V24 Challenge Packs Work

Each challenge pack contains a process indicator strip, VERIFY V24 Self Contained Biological Indicator and blue polyurethane foam sheet.

The indicator strip is a Type 1 Process Indicator as defined in ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11140-1 and provides immediate proof of processing. A vivid color change from magenta to yellow indicates that exposure to a hydrogen peroxide sterilization cycle has occurred.

Each self-contained biological indicator is completely self-contained, providing 106 colony forming units (CFU) of Geobacillus stearothermophilus and an ampoule of specifically formulated growth medium with a pH indicator. It is designed to be sealed after processing, reducing the risk of contamination (and consequent false positives) and evaporation of growth medium.

Following incubation, a vivid color change of the growth media from orange to yellow and/or turbidity gives distinct evidence of microbial growth. If no microbial growth occurs, the media remains orange and clear (no turbidity).

The challenge pack is placed on the bottom shelf within the empty chamber of the V-PRO Sterilizer. The sterilizer must remove air from the pack and expose the pack to a sufficient quantity of hydrogen peroxide to overcome the absorption of hydrogen peroxide from the polyurethane foam sheet and kill the bacterial spore contained within the self-contained biological indicator.

The challenge to sterilization provided by the pack is equivalent to or greater that that achieved by the worst case sterilization load.

Why VERIFY V24 Challenge Pack?

The easy to use VERIFY V24 Challenge Pack is proven to be more resistant than the worst case sterilizer load giving you confidence in your sterilizers ability to sterilize your loads.

  • Fast – 24 hour incubation time
  • Easy to Read – Orange to yellow color change indicates growth
  • Tougher challenge than validated sterilization loads– Confidence in the V-PRO Sterilizer’s performance

VERIFY V24 Challenge Pack’s validated sterilizers and sterilization cycles

V-PRO 1 Sterilizer Default Cycle (Lumen Cycle)
V-PRO 1 PLUS Sterilizer Non Lumen and Lumen Cycle
V-PRO maX 2 Sterilizer Fast Non Lumen, Non Lumen, Flexible and Lumen Cycles
V-PRO maX Sterilizer Non Lumen, Flexible and Lumen Cycles
V-PRO 60 Sterilizer Non Lumen, Flexible and Lumen Cycles



