Verify Bowie-Dick Test Card

VERIFY Bowie-Dick Test Card is the smallest and most simple pre-assembled Bowie-Dick test pack product available. The Card is the first test that generates no waste at all. The Card is the test. The Card provides a convenient system for testing prevacuum sterilizers.

The VERIFY Bowie Dick Test Card consists of a card printed on one side with bars of chemical indicator ink. On the opposite side of the card, space is provided for critical cycle information to be stored.

Upon completion of the Bowie-Dick test cycle, you will have immediate validation of the air removal process. The Card is easy to use. In an otherwise empty chamber, place the VERIFY Bowie-Dick Test Card, with chemical indicator bars facing up, in a test card holder on the lowest shelf over the sterilizer drain. During the vacuum phase of the cycle, air is removed from this uniquely designed product. Following air removal, the chemical bars uniformly darken with exposure to steam. If air is trapped in the card during the exposure phase of the cycle, all the bars will not show even color change. It’s that simple.


  • Provides a convenient package for testing of prevacuum cycle steam sterilizers
  • The Bowie Dick Test card is preassembled
  • The test card can be retained as a permanent record
  • Lot number and expiration date on each test box and storage box


  • Packaged in plastic storage boxes, the box provides convenient, permanent storage for approximately 2 months of processed cards
  • A non uniform color change provides an immediate indication of inadequate air removal from the sterilizer chamber during the cycle
  • Consistent quality is maintained. No material or labor resources are required to prepare the test card at the point of use
  • Permanent documentation of the cycle parameters, date and test results
  • Traceability and recognition of expired packs at time of use


S3095 VERIFY Bowie Dick Test Card Box (31 tests)
S3096 VERIFY Bowie Dick Test Card Holder Each



