Prolystica Ultra Concentrate Alkaline Detergent

Prolystica Ultra Concentrate Alkaline Detergent is designed for automated cleaning, which includes hospital washer/disinfector units and automated mechanical washers. It is formulated for processing surgical instruments and medical devices and is effective at removing blood, fat, mucus, and other hard to remove soils.

How Prolystica Ultra Concentrate Alkaline Cleaner Works

With the ability to both clean exceptionally and protect surgical instruments, there is an advantage in cleaning, performance and savings.

Why Prolystica Ultra Concentrate Enzymatic Cleaner?

  • Ultimate Cleaning – Provides ultimate results against mucus, blood and fatty soils as compared to competitive products.
  • Ultimate Performance – Designed to maintain pump pressure to support impingement and reduce strain on your washer.
  • Ultimate Savings – Saves on surgical instruments, maintenance, and utilities.


