Prolystica 2x Concentrate Enzymatic Presoak and Cleanser

Prolystica 2X Concentrate Enzymatic Presoak and Cleaner is a low foaming cleaner designed for both manual and automated cleaning. It can be used for removal of protein and lipid-based soils. It is for use on surgical instruments, flexible fiberoptic endoscopes, rigid scopes and apparatus where blood, protein, mucous and lipids form hard to remove soils.

How Prolystica 2X Concentrate Enzymatic Presoak and Cleaner Works
With the ability to clean protein and fat soils with one product, there is an advantage in productivity, turn-around time and cost.

Why Prolystica 2X Concentrate Enzymatic Presoak and Cleaner?

  • More Cleaning Ability – Provides superior results against nature’s toughest soils as compared to competitive products.
  • More Efficiency – Helps you meet decontamination demands with a flexible, fast-acting product as compared to competitive products.
  • More Saving – Provides effective cleaning that protects your surgical instruments as compared to competitive products.


